ACS Student Chapters

High School and College chemistry students take advantage of additional opportunities to practice their skills and knowledge through membership in ACS/AACT High School ChemClubs and ACS College Student Chapters, respectively. Members participate in a wide range of programs and activities that enhance their chemistry experience and prepare them for successful careers.

Penn State / Berks Student Chapter
Kutztown University Student Chapter
Alvernia University Student Chapter

Albright College Student Chapter
Cedar Crest College Student Chapter
Lafayette College Student Chapter
Moravian College Student Chapter
Muhlenberg College Student Chapter


Education and Achievement Awards

The most critical part of ACS' mission is to provide guidelines for high quality chemical education at all levels. LVACS strives to keep students and teachers inspired throughout their academic careers and rewards exceptional achievement through our annual awards programs. The LVACS Awards Committee, along with the Section’s Executive Committee, invite members and the local community to recognize outstanding achievements in chemistry and chemical education by our colleagues.

LVACS Annual Awards

The Lehigh Valley section offers the following awards and scholarships each academic year, typically awarded in the spring. Links in blue access information and application forms while those in green highlight recent awardees.
- George Ruger LVACS Student Travel Award 2024
Undergraduate senior awards 2024
- Foundation in Chemistry Scholarship Award 2024  2024 awardee
- High School Teacher of the Year 2024  2024 awardee
- Small College Teacher of the Year 2024  2021 awardee
- Organic Chemistry Award 2024  2024 awardees
- Chemagination 2024 2024 awardees
- Chemistry Olympiad 2024 Competition LVACS contact
- ACS Project SEED and Scholars Program LVACS contact
Detailed descriptions of these awards, eligibility and application materials may be obtained by contacting the awards committee chair.

LVACS Awards Committee

Contact the LVACS Awards committee chair for information about applying for awards or nominating potential awardees..

Awards Committee Chair
John Freeman,

Science Coaches

The Lehigh Valley section supports High School Science teaching through High School teachers nights and the Science Coaches Program, jointly sponsored by ACS and the American Association of Chemisty Teachers, AACT. Take advantage of this great opportunity to give back to your community, share your expertise with teachers and students, and inspire the next generation of chemists! For 2021-2022, partners may hold meetings virtually to ensure the safety of all participants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply today! Learn more on the Science Coaches webpage.

Get more information on finding/being a coach locally:
LVACS CONTACT: Nigel Sanders,

Go ahead, ask a chemistry grad!
Princeton's Chem-STEM tells K-12 students what doing chemistry is like...

Chem-Stem is a live, online program run by graduate students in the department of chemistry at Princeton University. The goal of Chem-Stem is to inform middle-school and high-school students about graduate school / a career in science and ultimately inspire students at a young age to pursue careers in STEM. Given the current digital learning setting, we thought this would be an excellent time to help motivate students to be excited about science! 
The program begins with a 10 minute introductory presentation on the path to graduate school, what we do as graduate students, and what a career in science entails. Additionally, we will talk about how chemistry impacts students' lives (chemistry is all around us and saves lives!). This presentation will be followed by a guided 10-20 minute Q&A session where the students can ask two to three chemistry graduate students questions and/or the graduate students can ask each other questions (What is your favorite part about graduate school / Are chemicals dangerous?). Contact Wendy Plump for details and to set up a session for your class.
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