January 2024 Section Meeting
Collier Hall of Science
Moravian University
Thursday, January 25th, 5:30-8:30 pm

Chemical Superpowers with ChatGPT + Wolfram
Speaker: Jason Sonnenberg, Wolfram|Alpha

Abstract: ChatGPT from the AI research and deployment company OpenAI upended chemical education and research. For all its remarkable prowess in “textually imitating” human writing, it can't be expected to do nontrivial computations correctly. Wolfram makes ChatGPT smarter by giving it access to powerful computation, accurate math and curated chemical knowledge through Wolfram|Alpha and Wolfram Language. The resulting collaboration between ChatGPT and Wolfram produced a powerful “chemical assistant” that can aid students, educators, and researchers alike. The transformative potential of this technology in facilitating chemical education and research, as well as empowering educators to create dynamic and engaging learning experiences, will be illustrated.
Speaker Biographical Information: B.A., Eastern Michigan University, Ph.D., Ohio State University. 

Social 5:30 pm / Dinner 6:00 pm: Collier Hall of Science Atrium

Meeting|Program 7:00 pm: Collier Hall of Science 204 Dana Lecture Hall

Social Hour Menu:  Cheese & Crackers, Fruit Tray, Beverage
Dinner Menu: Grilled Chicken with Bruschetta Topping
Cost: $30 for members, $15 for students.

RSVP: June Thompson 610-861-1425; thompsonj03@moravian.edu by Monday, Jan 22
Parking:  Along Main Street in Bethlehem, also Campus Lots B, M, N, O, and X [see
Meeting Organizer Contact Information:  Steve Dunham