“Finding your career path in chemistry: ACS Resources and approaches.” Speaker:Dr. Wayne E. Jones Jr.serves as the Chair of the ACS Board of Directors and is employed Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of New Hampshire. He earned his B.S. from St. Michael’s College in 1987 and his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1991.
5:00 pm Social/Networking with light refreshments (Rosenkrans Hall)
6:00 pm Greek themed dinner (Rosenkrans Hall, general members $30, students/retirees $15)
7:00 pm Business meeting and presentation (Beer’s Lecture Hall), all are welcome.
ESU Campus Map with all locations starred. PleaseRSVP for dinner by September 6th (No RSVP for meeting/talk required)
Contact: Steve Boyer (sboyer11@esu.edu)
Listenas Dr. Wayne E. Jones introduces his ACS Career talk for the Lehigh Valley ACS Section Meeting at East Stroudsburg University, Thursday, September 12th 2024.
Jodi Wesemann/American Chemical Society From left, Mary Carroll, ACS president; Al Horvath, ACS CEO; Helen Pain, RSC CEO; Gill Reid, RSC immediate past president
On July 9, the American Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry signed a memorandum of understandingduring the EuChemS Chemistry Congress in Dublin. The renewed agreement seeks “to co-operate for the establishment of a continuous communication and exchange in the field of chemistry and related areas of knowledge for the benefit of both United States and United Kingdom chemical sciences communities and the future successes of both societies.” ACS CEO Albert G. Horvath said: “ACS is pleased to continue its partnership with RSC through this agreement. Both RSC and ACS have a similar history of supporting chemists and chemical engineers in their pursuit of a better world for close to two centuries and this agreement bolsters our abilities. This agreement reflects our shared goal of fostering a stronger chemical enterprise across the globe. Together we will have greater impact.”
Lehigh Valley ACS has an exciting program planned for fall 2024 by our Younger Chemists Committee (YCC): Take a look at the flyer and post it at your institution or laboratory!
The Lehigh Valley Section of the American Chemical Society was the fifth local ACS section to be chartered. Founded in 1894, it serves the Lehigh Valley Area including six counties in Pennsylvania (Monroe, Northampton, Lehigh, Schuylkill, Berks and Carbon) and Warren county in New Jersey. ACS Local Sections promote public awareness of chemistry through community outreach programs. Working with students of chemistry and science, we encourage an interest in the chemical sciences. The LVACS also provides a valuable forum for communication between members and serves as a platform for sharing scientific and educational information. Find out more about us here.
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